International Scholar Ambassador
When you learn without borders, you are purposefully taking steps to develop global awareness and enhance intercultural communication skills. Global awareness is one of my core values since it will provide the tools to identify opportunities for international and intercultural experiences as well as acquire a deeper understanding of international perspectives to become a global citizen. This program aims to structure a learning experience through the completion on internationally focused coursework, international experience as well as an online platform to showcase your accomplishments. As a leader of this program I give presentations on ways to internationalize your degree to student organizations, classrooms, and other campus groups. I also promote and represent International Scholars Program at campus life events that targets students interested in joining the program. Organize and support the facilitation of a monthly Coffee Without Borders. This is an initiative the Ambassadors created that aims to bring together students from a variety of backgrounds, interests and majors to connect around global and cultural topics. During these monthly get-togethers, an Ambassador will lead the discussion in order to have an intentional conversation that is respectful of everyone present. Through this we have created a culture of care among all members of the International Scholars Program.
AmeriCorps VISTA
I bring my passion and perseverance of service by being a volunteer in service to America. In this position I work very closely with students experiencing food insecurity and ensure they have a sustainable source of nutritious food. I complete research and develop campus and community partnerships for increasing food-raising opportunities with a focus on healthy food choices. Develop targeted food collection marketing strategies to meet the needs of specific food pantry patrons. Develop talking points regarding healthy eating, food selection, to present across campus and utilize when supporting food pantry patrons. I have developed an all-in-one food assistance resource guide highlighting community resources, which has been the most useful addition made to the Pantry since it first opened. This is because it provides a wide variety of other resources that are available for individuals suffering from food insecurity. I also have implement a marketing plan to increase the visibility of food pantry and facilitated the training, development, and continuing education for food pantry and career closet student assistants.

Student Assistant for the Dean of Students Office
Under 'you matter we care' the Field and Fork Food Pantry fosters a culture of care towards its guests by providing food for individuals experiencing food insecurity in the UF community. Throughout my experience with this organization I became a student leader and spokesperson for the students experiencing food insecurity on campus. During presentation I make about the Pantry for campus departments, student organizations and classrooms I was able to disseminate the idea that a good meal, makes for a good student. Some of my top achievements include establishing this organization as a part of the culture of care the University has to ensure no student goes hungry. Part of the culture of care included assisting guests and providing information about campus resources that may support them in addition to the Pantry. Also, participating in numerous event planning through collaboration of departments and clubs in the Gator community to hold food drives and spread awareness of the Field and Fork Food Program. Finally, leading and creating a safe space for volunteers who want to give back to the community by inventorying donations received at the Field and Fork Pantry.

Sehgal Foundation Project Intern
Intern leader of project developed under the Swachh Bharat mission, established by the Indian government in 2014, to bring about an improvement in the general quality of life in rural India by promoting cleanliness, hygiene and eliminating open defecation.This project focused on Female empowerment of rural villages through education in health and sanitation. Proper bathrooms and sewage system are rare luxury in rural villages of India, which is an invitation for disease. I was the Intern leader of the 7 week project developed under the Swachh Bharat mission, established by the Indian government in 2014. This mission aims to bring about an improvement in the general quality of life in rural India by promoting cleanliness, hygiene and eliminating open defecation. Through the engagement in interactive dialogue by incorporating the voices of rural communities, and the collection of both qualitative and quantitative data on development outcomes, my team achieve sustainable results in the villages. I developed workshops implemented in four villages of the Mewat district we were able to provide the villagers with the tools for good rural governance and empower them to build their own latrines.

Fire Prevention Advocate
Volunteer at the 'Red Cross Home Fire Campaign' installing smoke alarms and educating the community about fire safety. Working smoke alarms in homes can cut the risk of death by half and having an escape plan in place improves those odds. The community I work with in Gainesville is in a high poverty neighborhood that is at high risk of house fires. The group of Fire Prevention Advocates goes from house to house surveying the homes who are willing to get a free smoke detector installed, receive general information on how to prevent fires and encourage them to create an escape plan in the event of a Fire.