Throughout my studies I’ve become immersed in the worldview of global awareness. I can recognize and appreciate the complexity and diversity on earth, with a passion to facilitate conversations concerning global challenges as well as sustainable solutions. I had the opportunity to simultaneously learn three languages, by growing up in Mexico City, with an American family and attending an all-French school. As a child, I learned how to communicate with individuals that spoke Spanish, English and French, but even more valuable, I learned how to interact with individuals from these different cultural backgrounds. I have a deep curiosity for cultural differences, a willingness to learn these differences, and the ability to expand my cultural beliefs to appreciate those of the people with whom I am working in order to build lasting bonds.
I follow Jane Goodall with "You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference, and you decide what kind of difference you want to make". There is an opportunity to create positive change every day and I adopt that belief with everything I do and every interaction I have. My goal is to help those in need to the best of my abilities.
I graduated from the University of Florida with a double Bachelor's in Anthropology and Sociology, and a minor in International Development and Humanitarian Assistance. Over the past years, I have used my talents and compassion all around the world. In Ethiopia, raising money for essential items like crutches and wheelchairs, so that populations with disabilities may successfully re-enter society and the work force. In India, empowering rural families in low-income villages to build latrines, and conducting workshops to learn how to wash their hands, thereby improving their health and sanitation. I am extraordinarily passionate about helping others, and make sure to act on it.
I have experience working as an AmeriCorps VISTA (Volunteer In Service To America) at the University of Florida managing the Field and Fork Pantry and the Gator Career Closet. Both of these resources offer very valuable support to the students of this University by providing free food and loaning professional clothes for interviews at no cost. Through my current role as VISTA Member, I have accomplished a staggering number of projects on behalf of our programs, including: streamlining our donation check-in process, initiating valuable assessment surveys, overhauling full websites, designing a comprehensive annual marketing plan, and fostering relationships with organizations like Publix Supermarkets and PERIOD the menstrual movement.
In my experience working as a Graduate Assistant for Special populations I fostered inclusion through development of orientation programs for incoming students to the University. I worked with 5 different categories of niche student populations, each with their unique diversity and distinct needs. I developed an orientation program based on an online platform that was targeted to fulfil the needs of each population. Among the different student population there were groups such as international students, graduate students and transfer students, among others. I worked closely with incoming students, and there were situations where the profile of a student could fit in more than one of the categories and these cases, they were added to all the applicable orientations accordingly. The information provided in each platform ensured that each population of students received the necessary information to ensure each student understands the transition in an individualized manner.