Mixed Martial Arts Community in Gainesville.
Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) is a community of international practitioners employing martial arts from around the world. Athletes that practice this sport are a heterogeneous group with people of all genders, ages, races, religions and socio-economic status. It has a very wide demographic and is practiced everywhere in the world. Fighting is a way of life, it requires full dedication and many sacrifices; for example, cutting weight, dieting, have a lonely and sedentary lifestyle as well as having to deal with the physical toll that training takes on the body. Fighter Phil Davis states that the hardship of getting ready for a fight “sucks just as much every time”(Fowlkes, 2011), which is something, all athletes in this sport can agree to. Although this sport has thrived since the creation of the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) in November 1993, it also challenged by the scrutiny of individuals who perceive MMA as a glorification of violence and aggression. Fighting is a selfish sport that demands full attention; it puts a physical toll of the body, but is carried out with great dedication, determination and passion. However, the MMA represents itself as an organization with shared values of commitment, as well as respect and support of one another. The main shared cultural components are the interest of self-defense practice and yearn for a healthier lifestyle, as well as a passion for martial arts/combat sports. MMA is a mixture of many different martial arts and combat sports, so its origins can be traced back to many different socio-historical contexts.
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